Hello Featherbed Friends,
We hope you are enjoying the return of smiling faces and hugs as much as we are. We seem to have made it through this challenging time, and now we are ready to celebrate. Here at the Featherbed Inn, these last few weeks have been unadulterated joy, with guests sharing tables and stories, eating in our wonderful restaurants, strolling through town and in shops and galleries with faces exposed for all the world to see, and enjoying our mountain biking/hiking trails, swimming pond, fire pits, and lovely gardens, letting the stress and sorrow of the last year fade away. Our summer and fall calendar is filling up fast, but we still have rooms https://www.featherbedinn.com/rooms available here and there (including this weekend!), so check your own calendar then give us a call.
There are so many things going on here in the Mad River Valley that we hardly know where to begin. Here's just a sample of what's on offer this summer.
In the world of art, Mad River Valley Arts is making up for a lost year with an extraordinary calendar of events https://madrivervalleyarts.org/events/. The 9th Annual Green Mountain Watercolor Exhibition (including Whiskey Painters of America's first-ever New England show) opens on Sunday, June 20, with preview days on June 18 and 19. A Valley Garden Tour will be held on July 17, and the Vermont Plein Air Festival will take place from August 13-15. From June 19 to October 10, the Bundy Modern Gallery will be exhibiting the work of Adolf and Virgina Dehn. If you've never been to the Bundy https://www.bundymodern.com/, we assure you it is well worth a visit. If creating beautiful things with your own hands appeals, how about taking a glass-making class at Salt & Sand Studios http://saltandsandstudios.com/glass.php? We (who have approximately zero artistic talent) took Spencer's fused glass plate class, and now we serve our scones on our surprisingly beautiful creations. Live music is also returning to the Valley, with the Worthy Summer Music Series on various summer Sundays https://www.madrivervalley.com/event/worthy-summer-music-series/2021-07-11 and the beloved Round-Up, with local bands and food trucks, will be back on Wednesdays by the covered bridge.
Now let's talk about beer, especially the plethora of local craft brews that you can buy at any local store or gas station and bring back to the Featherbed to enjoy around the fire, or out by the pond, or on our deck, or anywhere you'd like. Lawson's Finest Liquids https://www.lawsonsfinest.com/ is once again serving at their gorgeous taproom and beer garden, Collaborative Brewing https://www.collabbrewvt.com/ now offers a wonderful seafood menu, and our friends at the 1824 House host a weekend beer garden in their lovely backyard https://www.1824house.com/kitchen/backyard. On June 27, Lawson's and Sugarbush are teaming up for a beer pairing dinner, which looks scrumptious https://www.lawsonsfinest.com/event/sugarbush-and-lawsons-finest-beer-pairing-dinner/.
Finally, we need to make sure you know about our weekly Stretch & Sip yoga right here on our meadow, every Saturday at 4. Karen McPhillips from Salt & Sand Studios guides all levels of yogis through a fun and fabulous class, and we serve tea and scones right afterwards. It's really nice (especially with post-yoga swim in our pond). Here's more information and a link to register: http://saltandsandstudios.com/yoga.php#stretchsip
We know this is a lot to read through (thanks for getting to the end of this newsletter!), but we've barely scratched the surface of all the goings-on around here. We'd love to help you plan your getaway to Vermont, and we'd really, really, really love to see you.
Karen and Mick
