In the heart of the Mad River Valley on Rt 100 just south of Waitsfield

Heading North
on I-89
Generally, the fastest way is to take 89 North to Montpelier and take Exit 9. Turn left off the ramp, left onto Rt 2, right onto Rt 100B south. Rt 100B turns into Rt 100. Continue south through Waitsfield, past Rt 17, and we are about half a mile down the road on the right.
A more scenic and sometimes quicker route is to cut across to Rt 100 earlier from exit 3, and head north on Rt 100, and you'll find us on the left about a mile half a mile before Rt 17.
Depending on your sense of adventure, you may want to avoid Roxbury Gap during the winter and mud season! If the weather and the roads are clear, exit 5 to route 64 west to Warrent Mountain Road is a beautiful way to come, but please do not travel this route in the winter.
Heading South
on I-89
Head south on I-89 from Burlington and take Exit 10. Turn left of the ramp, and follow Rt 100 south, left and then right towards Waitsfield. Continue south through Waitsfield, past Rt 17, and we are about half a mile down the road on the right.